Transición energética en Viladecans
VILAWATT (2017-2021) was an Urban Innovative Action (UIA) funded project paving the way for the Energy Transition of Viladecans municipality.
The project enabled the creation of a new public-private-citizen partnership structure composed of citizens, businesses, and the City Council (PPCP – Public-Private-Citizen Partnership) that was established as a comprehensive energy operator with the goal of achieving more efficient and solidarity-based energy management, allowing for a strong transition towards a sustainable and renewable energy model.
This operator was a key element for the capitalization of energy savings and their conversion into funding for the deep energy retrofit of residential buildings in the Montserratina neighborhood.
This new model of public-private cooperation was complemented by the creation of a local currency, the Vilawatt coin, which allowed for the incentivization of energy savings and the strengthening of the local economy.
Throughout the project, community work was maintained with the neighborhood’s people, involving local citizens and businesses from the earliest stages of the project, together with the City Council.