ProGETonE in a nutshell

ProGETonE in a nutshell

ProGETonE has ended in September 2022. This post summarizes the most relevant outputs, tools and solutions that the project has developed.

ePLANET presentation video

ePLANET presentation video

We have published the ePLANET constitutional video, where we explain why this project has the potential to facilitate the adoption of coordinated energy transition actions within the public sector.

Jornada: No tenim diners pel futur?

Jornada: No tenim diners pel futur?

Jornada sobre enfocaments integrals per a la renovació energètica d'edificis El passat mes d'octubre de 2019, en el marc del projecte ProGETonE,...

Moneda Vilawatt

Moneda Vilawatt

Aprenguem una mica més sobre aquesta eina La moneda Vilawatt és una moneda local lligada a la protecció del medi ambient. Com funciona? Quins són...



ProGETonE in a nutshell

ProGETonE has ended in September 2022. This post summarizes the most relevant outputs, tools and solutions that the project has developed.

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ePLANET presentation video

We have published the ePLANET constitutional video, where we explain why this project has the potential to facilitate the adoption of coordinated energy transition actions within the public sector.

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