Energy Transition Governance
The ePLANET project targets the deployment of a new clustering governance for energy transition based on a digital framework to share harmonized information.
The overall objective of ePLANET project is to develop and implement a methodology to enhance and facilitate the energy transition multilevel governance of public authorities, and the coordinated adoption of Energy Transition Measures for achieving the European sustainability targets.
ePLANET will provide public authorities with a set of tools to improve decision-making and policy-making, to facilitate the adoption of new or improved policies and actions plans, the implementation of Energy Transition and to foster the sharing of Energy Transition Measures information at vertical and horizontal level.

The ePLANET project has a duration of three years in which a proof of concept will be developed in three pilot regions in the province of Girona in Spain, the island of Crete in Greece and in the Zlín region of the Czech Republic. Following validation, the outcomes will be scaled up at national level and replicated in other EU regions.
The project has a consortium comprising 10 EU organizations: CIMNE (ES, coordinator), Catalan Energy Institute (ES), CRES (GR), FEDARENE (BE), ICLEI (DE), Girona region government (ES), Regional Development Fund of Crete (GR), Energy Agency of the Zlín Region (CZ), LIMA – Low Impact Mediterranean Architecture association (ES) and THREE O’CLOCK consultancy (FR).